One of the theories used to explain moral development was by Lawrence Kohlberg (1981), a psychologist who developed the theory from Jean Piaget. Introduction The area of study is the development of prosocial and prohibitive moral characters in judging gender based issues. While Piaget's perspective was psychological, Kholberg's viewpoint was psychological with emphasis placed on moral development and both theories will be compared and contrasted in this paper. Moral development is concerned with the acceptance of morality which brings along certain forms of behaviour, attitudes and values in an individual. Likewise, the paper evaluated the differences and similarities between Kohlberg theory and the Gilligan theory of moral development, which demonstrated the gender diversity in their moral reasoning.
Moral Development Student name Institution Moral Development Introduction Moral development is the way a person develops in morality from infancy to maturity. Psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) extended upon the foundation that Piaget built regarding cognitive development. Gilligan's theory poses a major challenge to Kohlberg's theory of moral logical thinking by presenting a feminist position of moral development ( Kretchmar. In Moral Relativism, Moral Diversity and Human Rights, James Kellenberger addresses different sorts of theories of morality, such as moral absolutism, moral pluralism, and moral relativism. 2 to 3years- appears independent and wants to be good, but is not yet mature enough to be able to carry out most promises they make.
The rise in crime, drug and alcohol abuse, gang violence, teen parenthood, and suicide in recent years in Western society has also caused a rise in concern over morality and moral development. Essay on moral values: essay examples, topics, questions, thesis statement moral values Essay Examples The Crucible summary For the representatives of the Miller's society being an honest and a decent man means not only respecting the religious doctrine but following its commandments literally. Before I take any position on the issues raised by the differences between these various approaches, I need to offer a definition of morality. In Piaget's theory, he believed that until age nine- or ten-years children's morality is external, their feeling of right and wrong is controlled by guardians, instructors or other specialist figures.
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ABSTRACT The intention of this paper is to provide an overview of the psychological theories of Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg.
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