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If you mean 15 microns, then why do you think that no matter on Earth can absorb or emit at that wavelength?Are there a lot of other wavelengths invisible to matter?If 15micron photons exist, what becomes of them when nothing will absorb them? c Model run using both natural and anthropogenic forcings seem to give wanted correct result. Because those stomach bugs need refreshing or updating every now and a while and we get, or should be getting, the updates from the original set of B12 bugs,bugs that Live In The Dirt. Shows computer model runs gray band using natural forcing a and observed temperature data red line. The -2C is simple to appreciate because it is the temperature of sea ice formation and the insulation properties of ice to limit heat loss. And I really cant find much that will absorb at 15nm other than water and even water isnt very absorbent at 15nm. The above graph spans the entire Phanerozoic eon 540 million years to the present and shows a decreasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from 7000 ppm down to the present 400 ppm the red line. Form 216 - Application for Foreign-Trade Zone Activity Permit. Hence the global surface average temperature is simple to determine:Average Surface Temperature = {30 -2}/2 = 14C or 57F. Water is also diamagnetic repealed by magnetic field of both polarities but effect is very weak. But then, the O2 and N2 have vanishingly low emissivity. Despite a thin atmosphere its convective overturning becomes powerful enough to generate planet wide dust storms. What a wonderful piece of climate science, many thanks !.

If you mean 15 microns, then why do you think that no matter on Earth can absorb or emit at that wavelength?Are there a lot of other wavelengths invisible to matter?If 15micron photons exist, what becomes of them when nothing will absorb them? c Model run using both natural and anthropogenic forcings seem to give wanted correct result. Because those stomach bugs need refreshing or updating every now and a while and we get, or should be getting, the updates from the original set of B12 bugs,bugs that Live In The Dirt. Shows computer model runs gray band using natural forcing a and observed temperature data red line. The -2C is simple to appreciate because it is the temperature of sea ice formation and the insulation properties of ice to limit heat loss. And I really cant find much that will absorb at 15nm other than water and even water isnt very absorbent at 15nm. The above graph spans the entire Phanerozoic eon 540 million years to the present and shows a decreasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from 7000 ppm down to the present 400 ppm the red line. Form 216 - Application for Foreign-Trade Zone Activity Permit. Hence the global surface average temperature is simple to determine:Average Surface Temperature = {30 -2}/2 = 14C or 57F. Water is also diamagnetic repealed by magnetic field of both polarities but effect is very weak. But then, the O2 and N2 have vanishingly low emissivity. Despite a thin atmosphere its convective overturning becomes powerful enough to generate planet wide dust storms. What a wonderful piece of climate science, many thanks !.

That is where Mars came undone it had water and all the stuff needed for life which surely must have started in some fashion BUT, Mars doesnt have Plate tectonics to produce the Fresh Rock needed to sustain that life. Although the wandering of continents happens mostly in slow motion some collisions have been revolutionary causing havoc and destruction. 1 to be perfect madness how could anyone come up with that. This also means that the deepest ocean temperatures wont fall below circa 4 degC and freeze in the absence of salinity. We show that a haplotype on chromosome 12, which is associated with a 22 reduction in relative risk of becoming severely ill with COVID-19 when infected by SARS-CoV-2, is inherited from Neandertals. But, how about the reliability of climate modeling? global climate no matter how variable in detail global climate has still remained virtually conducive to life as we have known from paleontology. BECAUSE OF a thin atmosphere its convective overturning becomes powerful enough to generate planet wide dust storms. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1985 149-194. Interesting that the predominance of land surface shifted from the HS to the NH over the last 400 million years. However, other greenhouse gases, primarily CO2, are necessary to sustain the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere. a The regulations in this part contain the minimum current good manufacturing practice for preparation of drug products excluding positron emission tomography drugs for administration to humans or animals. The fact remains that the conditions for life to evolve have just been plain suitable, i. But thats just a a bit chilly and bracing compared to the estimated average global temperature of -50 C during Snowball Earth episodes.

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By default, the maximum wait time is 120000 milliseconds, or two minutes. What is, however, important is that life on earth has beenadapted to specific living environments and above all these have been virtually unchanged thru out the Phanerozoic. Model run b same red line but using anthropogenic forcing only. 1 These ancient cyano-bacteria have modern relatives blue green algae that during strong summer blooms tend to spoil the day for beach enthusiasts at least in the Baltic Sea region. So, based on the above considerations of past climatic conditions on Earth well, just considering the last one billion years of such we can fairly say that drastic changes in past climates have NOT been infrequent and that we presently ARE far away from normal. It is the bulk of the areas that are desert that are beyond the air circulation patternsthe atmosphere movement is all rained out when it reaches the desert areas. This retained stability has been controlled by the three phases of water and a rather stable energy source, our Sun. To put the temperature range into context it seems obvious that the average conditions on our planet have not changed that much during the past eon, even compared to this day. This I find questionable, because surely solar energy is the main driver of evaporation? thus resulting in this false view that water is a GHG by omission of the above. Regarding your important statement:I should add that Antarctic ice core data show that atmospheric CO2 concentration has followed temperature with a delay of hundreds of years, not driving temperature. Form I-68 Referencecopy only, not valid for usage or printing purposes. Forest fires are generally assumed to be destructive to flora and fauna, but the fact remains that for many species fires provide a chance to rejuvenate. The introduction of oxygen into Earths atmosphere changes dramatically conditions for future evolution of plant and animal life.

What is the scatter plot? X = ? Y = ? I think Im guessing it correctly but I want to see you write it. Point b is a strong disproof of the catastrophic humanmade global warming CAGW hypothesis, which ASSUMES that atmospheric CO2 change causes and thus leads atmospheric temperature change, when in fact it lags in time. WHERE ARE TROPICAL RAIN-FOREST AND DESERTS AT THE SAME LATITUDE? The Australian desert is south of the rain-forest. Which side of a continent youre on matters, and interior vs. My first conclusion was that most of the variance in global atmospheric temperatures is related to the variance in sea-surface temperatures, which is in turn driven by ENSO. Scottsdale also lies at 1300 feet, with a peak elevation of about 4900 ft. The now accepted consensus that water is a prime greenhouse gas is totally FALSE IMO. During the hundreds of millions of years that have passed, the global average temperatures have, however, remained astonishingly stable cf. To put it simply -there is a Green House Gas EffectWater vapour absorbs pretty well all the IR radiations coming off the surface dirt, water, plants, rocks whatever. They almost dont radiate at all and, if you insist of having Trapped Heat, THAT is where it is trapped. I bring this up, and get the reply yes, but were putting CO2 into the air faster than ever before and that makes the difference. Also as noted, in the same latitude lie the Gobi and the temperate rain forests of the Amur-Assuri region, northern Japan and my native PNW, not to mention historically forested parts of eastern N. The video shows the location of land masses moving across our globe. Much of the crust of this colliding planet flew off and formed the Moon, while the planets core merged with the Earths core. WHERE ARE DESERTS AND RAINFOREST AT THE SAME LATITUDE? Select Category: General Stormwater and Storm Drain Awareness. I should add that climatic areas egions have naturally varied depending on latitude and distribution of oceans.

Its easy to find latitudes with both desert and rain forest. Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record: Reference Copy ONLY. An excellent article, thank-you Dr Winterhalter!Figures 3 and 4 are important, do you have sources with higher resolution versions of these figures?I always love watching the tectonic videos of the Phanerozoic. Rock is the fourth and is equally as important. This setting specifies the maximum wait time for a connection using the ICA protocol to be completed. of Torts, 913A future pecuniary losses must be reduced to present value. As far as I can see, my usage of the term water thermostat is the balance of water in the atmosphere being regulated between three phases: vapor latent energy, droplets clouds and ice clouds and IR radiation to space and all of this in very close dependence with our Sun, the source of life! We should also remember that water vapor has a crucial convective role in meteorology i. Accede a la lista decursos, tutoriales, guĆ­as y manuales gratuitos. Thus the only significant way energy cam move through the atmosphere is via Convection. The light green ring encircles the same shallows and land masses located half way between the Equator and the South Pole during the Ordovician 480 million years ago. That absorption is basically a Carnot Engine pure heat energy is converted to mechanical energy = the motion/excitement of the water molecules. An excellent example was the detachment of India from Antarctica in the Early Cretaceous and colliding with the Asian massif less than 100 million years later. We sequenced genomes from five rhinoceros species three extinct and two living, which we compared to existing data from the remaining three living species and a range of outgroups. Employee or Social Security Number Enter only the last 4 digits of the Social Security Number SSN. I applaud your anti-Griffism, but the fact is that very dry and very wet environments exist at the same latitude. For the most up-to-date version of CFR Title 21, go to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations eCFR.

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But theyre certain that the current warming is due to human-caused climate change. Which shows the drift of land masses starting with the Cambrian 540 million years ago and up to the present. Together, they form what can be called a very reliable and effective thermostat that regulates global climate within astonishingly narrow bounds see fig. Marcel Leroux on average global temperature. All heat is radiated away by surrounding CO2 molecules in a virtual instant. In any Carnot Engine without an exhaust at Zero Kelvin, its efficiency is less than unity. So thus where My Mileage Varies is with these particular 2 statements, reference otherwise is notable by its absence. The speed of the collision was by some researcher calculated to have been 45 to 75 cm/yr. See the About>Contact menu under the header. If air cannot trap heat, then shouldnt all air be at absolute zero in temperature? See where Im going?Maybe we depend on fresh Rock also. 3 atm 30 during the Carboniferous before return-ing to current value of 0. VocĆŖ sera redirecionado para OpenEdition Search. The Peruvian portion of the Atacama Desert, driest on Earth, also lies in the same latitude as Amazonian jungle. I personally do not think that good luck has anything to do with habitability. Casi todos los cursos son obtenidos de lasUniversidades que lo ofrecen de forma gratuita, proporcionando el materiallibre y los recursos necesarios para el realizar el curso y dar opciĆ³n a obtener el certificado. I should add that Antarctic ice core data show that atmospheric CO2 concentration has followed temperature with a delay of hundreds of years, not driving temperature. Perhaps I should have said fast enough rather than powerful enough. a closer scrutiny will also show contour lines of the present land areas for orientation. sustainable development, in order to ensure that the ruling elites of today will remain the ruling elites of tomorrow.


It is THE most pathetic buck-pass there ever could be. So whats that got to do with dirt you ask. Latitudes that run through the Sahel and Sahara also hit Central America and SE Asia, which are rain forests. Despite occasional extreme geographical, geological and climatic perturbations, this climate regulating thermostat has been conducive to an evolution of a myriad of life forms ranging from smallest single celled biota to gigantic saurians. But animals, ie multicellular, motile, heterotrophic eukaryotes, preceded green plants by hundreds of millions of years. It doesnt matter what the atmosphere radiates toward the earth in W/m^2 if nothing on earth can absorb it. CO2 cannot have the slightest effect on global temperatures because air cannot trap heat. Likewise, among 82 individuals of Elysia atroviridis that were field-collected and parasitised by the copepod Arthurius sp. Im a bid fan of graphical representations. The area would later be known as the Baltic Sea with Ordovician warm water carbonate deposits exposed on the island of Gotland in the middle of the Baltic Sea. How Earth has succeeded in keeping global climate conducive to the various life forms that have inhabited our wonderful planet. When you write 15nm, do you mean 15 nanometers?I assume not, since that would be x-rays. BTW Peter, there are over 25 different credible disproofs of the very-scary CAGW hypothesis and as Einstein said:One would be enough. But the Team isnt interested in any possibly real science which might deviate from the CO2 Control Knob Consensus. This haplotype is present at substantial frequencies in all regions of the world outside Africa.

A special feature during the Carboniferous, 360-300 million years ago, saw vast forests flourishing and increasing photosynthesis raising the atmospheric oxygen content to about 30 0. This error has caused tremendous loss of money and manpower without actually being able to solve the question how Earth has succeeded in keeping global climate conducive to the various life forms that have inhabited our wonderful planet. But IF it does and it is a big capital IF during periods of a weakening global magnetic field at the present fall is accelerating warm Atlantic currents would flow ever so slightly faster into the Arctic Ocean than in the past, and so contributing on a very minuscule scale to the Arctic ice melting. If by flora you mean cyanobacteria and algae, then yes, flora preceded fauna. Quartz doesnt and neither does feldspar, the two most common materials in the soil of earth. Some day this error will be brought to light but will have to contend with a great deal of global Cognitive Dissonance in the process so will take a long time with hopefully up and coming scientists breaking through the ceiling. Solar energy was beaming down on the ocean surfaces and depending on the transparency of the water a warm top layer water layer above the thermocline of varying thickness developed. Water is the miracle molecule in so many ways: high latent heat for state transitions, high specific heat capacity, present in solid, liquid and gaseous form on earth. Berrys work also vindicates my friend Murry Salby and also Hermann Harde, whose work predates Berry. The loss of that energy to space replaces the need to send it all out from the surface so convection overall declines. So why do we run out B vitamins and subsequently fall foul of Covid and Alzheimers? Similar to present air pressure found at ocean level today.

CBP Form I-94W - Visa Waiver Arrival/Departure Record for reference only. What you say is in direct contradiction of thermodynamics. Cyanobacteria and photosynthesis evolved about three billion years before the Cambrian, first period of the Phanerozoic Eon, in which CO2 level has been estimated at 7000 ppm. Therefore, if Scottsdale were at the same altitude as Charleston, the temperature difference would be even greater. Delving further into the details of the last three glacial-interglacial cycles with periods averaging about 100,000 years and using the mid-point between warmest temperature and coldest temperature of each cycle as a point of demarcation between warm and cold, one finds there is a consistent average of only about 22 of each cycle period being on the warm side of the midpoint of max/min temperatures for those cycles. the location of the same landmass from the time when carbonate sediments and corals were deposited during the Ordovician 480 million years ago in a subtropical environment on the bottom of what is now the Baltic Sea. Indias break-neck dash across what is now the Indian ocean always amazes me while the nearby Madagascar just stays put. Im from the Pacific NW, where west of the Cascades we enjoy lush temperate rain forest, while on the east side is high desert. The distance between Earth and our energy source, the SUN, is just about right. The rapid addition of oxygen to the atmosphere triggered an expansion of biota and in fact opened the doors to countless, you might say, mind-boggling evolutionary life forms exposed to us by paleontologists. My head explodes every time I see that phrase, every time. Based on what insolation level?You use the words taken in. Human health and fresh rock:And, seriously while going the figuring, do get your hands dirty. So what makes Earth so special? Five major reasons!.

synthesized Fe 2 O 3 over CF and MnO 2 over CNT-web paper via binder-free method to achieve all these criteria in a single FSC device. Form 214A - Application for Foreign-Trade Zone Admission and/or Status Designation. Both Tropics, but especially Tropic of Cancer, which runs through the Sahara, the Arabian Peninsula and the jungles of east India and SE Asia. We are at the early stage of the Holocene and on the warm side, so the odds are only about 1 in 5 that we would have our current climate just considering the interval of a single glacial-interglacial cycle. Note! Salt water is heavier than fresh water. Would not cooler 77 f water take in as much insolation as 85 degree water? OKBut if youve understood so far, you will see that the way to measure Climate Change caused by CO2 would be to measure changes in the Lapse Rate. Lawn & Garden Care includes LID practices Motor Vehicle Care. All Print Materials are listed here by NPS Category. Delving into the basic science behind this well explains the reason for this. Form 214 - Application for Foreign-Trade Zone Admission and/or Status Designation. Not because of some unseen and magical hand that creates Natural Variation. My second conclusion was that there has been no systematic change in sea-surface temperatures, such as characterized by tropical Pacific i. 2ƙFor helpful summaries on being baptized with and being lled with the Spirit see M. The observed temperature data used in this paper is not a representation of the actual climate. 1 continues by mentioning the obvious, that water vapor from anthropogenic sources is considerably less than from natural evaporation and therefore has a negligible greenhouse effect.

Tropic of Capricorn runs through the Atacama Desert, the Puna, temperate eastern South America Pampa, with a bit of rainforest in Brazil, the Namib Desert but some rainforest in SE Africa. It seems to be common knowledge that high levels of oxygen in dry forests are prone to cause forest fires. the African desert is north of the rain-forestthe S. And we have to add the large Moon of Earth. The fact that continents or parts of them have wandered across many climatic zones must be kept in mind when discussing regional climates because especially their seasonal climates average temperatures can vary a lot. Windy conditions led to waves and spray and a warm sea surface, being together conducive to water being easily evaporated and forming a variably humid atmospheric environment for our planet. About 70 of Earths surface is covered by oceans of salty water, the rest being land. So, it melted entirely- long before the industrial revolution. The CAGW hypothesis is disproved by precedence The future cannot cause the past. Quotes:strangely stable with only very occasional catastrophic eventsandMust have been a terrific calamity when the Himalayan mountain range reached its newborn height. Form 101 - CBP Advanced Training Center ATC Event Application. ONE and N2 may not stop the conduction because they dont radiate. I havent checked asphalt and concrete but they dont actually make up that large of a percentage of land area on the earth. 2 Active accretion of cyano-bacteria and carbonate off the southern shore of Australia known as stromatolites are close relatives to similar stromatolites found in Archaean bedrock of Finland. adding buoyancy to an air mass as compared to dry air.



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